
Our collaborative and inclusive approach extends beyond our partnership with organizations. We actively engage with diverse stakeholders at all levels, including policymakers, community leaders, advocacy groups, and, most importantly, individuals with firsthand experience navigating both their own challenges and the challenges posed by the system to drive systemic change. Take a look at our areas of expertise below:

  • Stakeholder/ Community Outreach and Partnership Building

    Bowman Collaborative will support you in cultivating a strong network of supporters, advocates, and collaborators to bring about positive change in your practice models, organizational culture, and beyond.

  • Program Evaluation and Monitoring

    Is your program tailored to center the experience of those it serves? Are your goals reflective of your mission and values? Bowman Collaborative will take a deep dive into the various facets of your program through a holistic evaluation that elevates the mission and values your organization aspire to and then walk with you through a monitoring process to ensure you are aligned in each step.

  • Leadership training and coaching

    Through an approach built on collaborative trust, Bowman Collaborative can provide mentorship, training, and guidance to facilitate personal growth, improve your ability to connect with your team and nurture effective leadership qualities. We won’t simply offer advice but walk alongside you on your leadership journey.

  • Research and Thought Leadership

    Bowman Collaborative Consulting can help you invest in your organizations approach to behavioral health and substance use treatment through research centered on service recipients that ensures that your program develops around their needs and is backed up by the latest evidence emerging from practitioners and academics.

  • Trainings in Community Resiliency Model

    The Community Resiliency Model (CRM) is a framework that promotes resilience, healing, and recovery in communities that have experienced trauma or adversity. It emphasises the importance of recognising and responding to the physical and emotional symptoms of trauma and uses simple self-care techniques like grounding, breathing, co-regulation and body awareness to empower the community in their own healing and create safety in the face of adversity.

  • Expertise in Recovery/Transitional Housing

    We are not just experts in recovery and transitional housing; we are partners in driving change and empowering communities together. Our focus on creating supportive environments aligns with our vision of a society where mental health is openly discussed. We collaborate with organizations to develop innovative housing solutions that foster community strength and individual thriving. It is clear that Recovery Housing is vital for a thriving recovery community, let us help your community create a plan that works for everyone.

  • Cost-Effective Utilization of Opioid Settlement Funds

    Bowman Collaborative Consulting provides strategic guidance for the cost-effective utilization of opioid settlement funds. Erin's extensive experience ensures that these funds are used in ways that are impactful, sustainable, and aligned with our vision of eradicating mental health stigma, creating a lasting positive impact on communities.

  • Developing and Guiding OTPs

    We can help you develop opioid treatment programs (OTP’s) that reflect our vision of a stigma-free society. With experience starting one of the only inpatient Opioid Treatment Programs in North Carolina, Erin has deep understanding of the challenges of starting and running an Opioid Treatment Program and the importance of these programs.

  • Develop Trauma Informed Policy & Procedure

    Our approach integrates our vision of a supportive society, ensuring a compassionate, trauma-aware environment in organizational settings. It can be difficult to incorporate trauma informed policies and procedures in organizations, we can help.

  • Consultation for Design and Implementation of Inpatient and Outpatient Behavioral Health Organizations

    Our consultancy offers expert guidance in designing and implementing behavioral health organizations. Erin's experience in both inpatient and outpatient program development and her passion for driving change are instrumental in providing tailored, practical guidance, helping organizations navigate and overcome challenges in the behavioral health landscape.

The power to create change lies within the collective effort. By partnering with us, you will not only benefit from our expertise but also contribute to a larger movement aimed at transforming the behavioral health space for the better