About us

Our Mission is to partner with businesses in the behavioral health space to implement change by leveraging the input of individuals most affected while reducing stigma.

A fresh perspective…

At Bowman Collaborative Consulting, we believe in approaching systemic problems with a fresh perspective.  We actively seek answers to the daily hard questions businesses face from the people and communities most directly affected by their decisions.  We focus on reducing stigma, uplifting individuals, and empowering organizations through deep listening and innovative solutions.  

We strive to solve your most challenging issues by viewing them through a new lens- one rooted in community engagement and collaboration.  By leveraging diverse stakeholders' collective wisdom and insights, we aim to bring about transformative change.  Our commitment to reducing stigma and promoting inclusivity drives us to think outside the box and deliver impactful results.

Together, let’s create a future where organizations thrive, individuals are uplifted, and communities flourish.

Trainings and Skill


University of NC at Chapel Hill, Master of Social Work with Certificate in Substance Abuse Studies (May 2010)
University of NC at Chapel Hill Bachelor of Arts in Communication (May 2006)
University of NC at Chapel Hill Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (May 2006)

Certifications and Licenses

Licensed Clinical Social Worker (NC-C007852)
Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist (NC-1825)
Certified Clinical Supervisor (NC-13539)

Harvard Business School Online Organizational Leadership Certificate

Through compassionate consulting services, we aim to foster understanding, promote inclusivity, and drive positive transformations that empower organizations to deliver effective solutions and create a stigma-free environment.